Fatigue Fighting Vitamins and Herbs

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Fatigue is mental and physical fatigue, where the person has no energy or enthusiasm to do anything. Fatigue is often the result of ongoing illness, stress, overworking, worry, or a period of emotional upheaval. This may be a symptom of many disorders, including anemia and infection. Chronic fatigue can be greatly improved by eating foods that increase energy levels and support the immune system. Removing the buildup of toxins from the body will reduce the discharge of energy and stress reduction methods may lessen the symptoms. Gentle exercises to strengthen muscles and stimulate circulation and production of antibodies to increase resistance to infection.

What to do fatigue

As tempting as it is to do nothing when you feel extremely tired or exhausted, it is important to take action. Here is a simple list of things that you can use to help relieve your fatigue and reverse.


vitamins and minerals listed below can be obtained as part of a quality, balanced vitamins and minerals dopuniti.Stanje these vitamins and minerals is important as excess can inhibit the absorption or use in the body of another -. Thus causing a lack of

    vitamin strengthens the immune system and helps fight infections. It also plays an important role in overall recovery. Vitamin B1 improves the function of the nervous system and boosts energy. It is essential for converting food into energy and for transmission of electrical impulses in nerves and muscles. This can have a powerful effect on your mood and alertness. vitamin B6 increases energy levels. It is important for the breakdown of food and energy production in the body. It is also necessary for the formation of antibodies. Pantothenic acid reduces fatigue and relieves stress. It is essential for converting food into energy for the breakdown of fats. Folic acid is needed for the formation of healthy red blood cells, which are vital for energy as they carry oxygen to muscles. It is important for the metabolism of proteins and sugars. Vitamin C detoxifies the body in the process makes more energy available. It helps the body absorb iron and folic acid, and efficiently convert food into energy. Vitamin E supports the immune system. It is a powerful antioxidant and is important for the production of energy from food.

    Calcium is needed for muscles and nerves and improve sleep. Iron reduces fatigue associated with insufficient red blood cells. It is necessary to release the energy in your body. It is also important in maintaining a healthy immune system. Magnesium reduces tiredness and weakness. It is essential for turning food into energiju.Živčani system relies on magnesium for proper operation and it is valued for its stress relieving properties. Selenium is an antioxidant that reduces the energy drain caused by free radicals. This is essential in preventing a wide range of diseases. It is necessary for healthy muscles, including those of the heart. It boosts the immune system, increasing the ability to fight infection. Zinc helps in the detoxification of the body and strengthens the immune system. It is important for brain and nervous system and mental alertness.
Other nutrients and plant

    Omega 3 fatty acids boost energy. acidophilus and other friendly bacteria help to create the normal intestinal balance. It is important to improve energy if Candida overgrowth is thought to be a problem. Bioflavonoids enhance the effects of vitamin C. Co-enzyme Q10 increases oxygen to the cells and it can help to increase your energy. ginger and Siberian ginseng are herbs which if taken internally will increase your energy and balance the digestive and hormonal systems. ginger, red ginseng root, cardamom seeds, artichoke leaf and root of the gentian plant for the digestive system. Digestive herbs strengthen to increase your ability to digest food to release energy from the food we eat. Mate, green tea may provide a temporary boost of energy.

    rosemary essential oil (3-4 drops) added to bath is a good pick-me-up.
Foods to eat

the following foods will help you get a boost of energy that can be achieved in a sustainable way, not only provides short-term fix of caffeine and sugar that make you feel worse later. Try not to overeat.

    Plenty of fresh fruits and green, leafy vegetables. Whole grains, nuts and seeds. chicken and tuna.
you need to avoid sources of food allergies from food, particularly wheat and dairy products. You must also avoid alcohol, smoking, refined foods and sugar and caffeine. All these foods deplete your energy levels. Remember, cakes, biscuits, bread, actually anything made ​​from flour, all refined foods. Eating the right foods will reduce the toxins that are put into your body, however, it is likely that your body is already overloaded and you need to cleanse the colon, so you're able to rid the body of its toxic load. Toxins are one of the main reasons for the reduction of energy. This is because the body is the means must be taken to deal with unwanted material. To find out more about how you can deal with toxins, cleanse the colon safely and benefit from increased energy to go safecoloncleansing.com

While the cleaning is also necessary to drink plenty of filtered water -. So the body can flush out toxins

Herbal drugs

There are two herbal remedies that can give you more natural energy deep. You can easily make these herbal remedies alone if you have the ingredients.

For the first time use 1-2 teaspoonsful of the following mixture.

1 part of asparagus root of

1 part ginger rhizome

1 part red ginseng root

1 cup of water

For the second, add the herbs in accordance with the following.

1 part ginger rhizome

1 part cardamom seeds

1 part of the artichoke leaves

1 / 2 part genetian root

1 cup of water

for each of them, place water in the appropriate size saucepan and bring to a boil. Add boiling water plants, turn off heat and let sit for 10-15 minutes, then strain the mixture.

Drink a glass of the mixture three times a day.


Even if you're tired, try to at least a short stroll in the fresh air and practice breathing deeply into your lungs as you walk. Walk at least 20-30 minutes a day, but start with shorter periods, if potrebno.Važno to start taking exercise. Gradually work up to longer and more frequent exercise, if possible, including 20 minutes of aerobic exercise every other day.

stop smoking

If you smoke you should stop. Smoking is a major drain on your health and energy and can undermine all your efforts in other područjima.Growerz.com stop smoking program can help you become smoke free.

try to incorporate as many of these things in your life as you can. Work plan for yourself on how you manage your day and you'll achieve it. While the above detail is intended to be generally useful, and education should not be construed as a substitute for individual consultation with a health professional. You should seek professional help if your fatigue is sudden, extreme, prolonged, or does not improve.

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